So, what's special about this photo? It is a 360 mm telephoto shot, on a Leica M camera. It was shot without Visoflex, or any reflex viewing device! So, how does that work? Well, use a Leica M8 camera. Use a 135 mm telephoto lens on it. And between them, place a Komura Telemore 95, 2X telephoto extender. (135 {lens} X 1.333 {crop factor} X 2 {extender} = 360 {effective 35 mm film focal length} It comes with a zoom style viewfinder, with settings for common focal lengths, and in-between is possible. This device dates back to the mid '70s IIRC. Komura made optics as a third party along with many others, in that era. This however, is the only commercial Leica M mount tele-extender I am aware of though. It is a collector's item now.