Hold my hand, please! I suspect most here already know of this program. I didn't until just now. That only makes me some 7 years out of the loop! I much prefer the idea of mentoring to constant travel back & forth to "Help" pages!
Originally shared by Jeff Diver
Since 12 December 2011, Google+ has had an outstanding Mentorship Program for Photographers. Click the link below to visit the site, then click the About link to see the following with active URLs and contacts:
"*Teaching is the best way to learn.*
"Welcome to the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers, organized and run by the program directors, Robin Griggs Wood,
Ron Clifford, Alex Lapidus and founded by Randy J. Braun
"The G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers is an online, mini-mentorship program that gives emerging amateur photographers the opportunity to reach out to working professionals, gaining technical, artistic expression or career advice in a friendly forum.
"Why "Mentorship"?
We use the word "mentorship" because it's one thing to teach a curriculum, but something very different to work with an artist to support them in achieving their own goals. Being a mentor means having a plan, and perhaps some material, but it also means asking a lot of questions, and listening to your participants –– spreading a buffet without directing people exactly what to eat.
"*Do they cost anything and how do I find out about a mentorship?*
Our mentorships are free to active, interactive members of the Google+ community and are based on a selection process at the discretion of the individual mentors volunteering their time. Add, and stay tuned to, the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers Page, as well as the profiles of Robin Griggs Wood, Ron Clifford and Alex Lapidus to watch for periodic sign-up posts.
"The sign-ups fill pretty quickly once posted, so do keep an eye out. You increase your chances of being selected with high activity here and high interactivity. (Read this tip here: How do be notified of the next available mentorship)
"*How to get selected to participate*
The Program is a gift to the G+ photography community. So when we select participants from the applicants to a program, we're looking for people who most likely already make a contribution to the overall G+ community––people who post actively, engage positively with others, and are likely to pay the gift forward.
"The qualifications for prospective mentees are that you are active here on G+, with not more than three [3] days between Public posts, and that you are interactive with the G+ community, thanking people who comment on your own posts and getting out of your own stream and plussing and commenting on the works of others. This ensures that you will be actively involved in any mentorship once chosen. (Read more tips here: Hints on how to be selected for one of the mentorship programs here at G+)
"*More Photographers are needed to mentor!* You don't have to be a pro, just have a sincere desire to help others! To become a mentor or to discuss what is possible for your mentorship here, please contact Robin Griggs Wood, Ron Clifford or Alex Lapidus
"GET MORE INFO ... check out → General Outlines For Types of Mentorships & Getting Started as a Mentor"
Originally shared by Jeff Diver
Since 12 December 2011, Google+ has had an outstanding Mentorship Program for Photographers. Click the link below to visit the site, then click the About link to see the following with active URLs and contacts:
"*Teaching is the best way to learn.*
"Welcome to the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers, organized and run by the program directors, Robin Griggs Wood,
Ron Clifford, Alex Lapidus and founded by Randy J. Braun
"The G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers is an online, mini-mentorship program that gives emerging amateur photographers the opportunity to reach out to working professionals, gaining technical, artistic expression or career advice in a friendly forum.
"Why "Mentorship"?
We use the word "mentorship" because it's one thing to teach a curriculum, but something very different to work with an artist to support them in achieving their own goals. Being a mentor means having a plan, and perhaps some material, but it also means asking a lot of questions, and listening to your participants –– spreading a buffet without directing people exactly what to eat.
"*Do they cost anything and how do I find out about a mentorship?*
Our mentorships are free to active, interactive members of the Google+ community and are based on a selection process at the discretion of the individual mentors volunteering their time. Add, and stay tuned to, the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers Page, as well as the profiles of Robin Griggs Wood, Ron Clifford and Alex Lapidus to watch for periodic sign-up posts.
"The sign-ups fill pretty quickly once posted, so do keep an eye out. You increase your chances of being selected with high activity here and high interactivity. (Read this tip here: How do be notified of the next available mentorship)
"*How to get selected to participate*
The Program is a gift to the G+ photography community. So when we select participants from the applicants to a program, we're looking for people who most likely already make a contribution to the overall G+ community––people who post actively, engage positively with others, and are likely to pay the gift forward.
"The qualifications for prospective mentees are that you are active here on G+, with not more than three [3] days between Public posts, and that you are interactive with the G+ community, thanking people who comment on your own posts and getting out of your own stream and plussing and commenting on the works of others. This ensures that you will be actively involved in any mentorship once chosen. (Read more tips here: Hints on how to be selected for one of the mentorship programs here at G+)
"*More Photographers are needed to mentor!* You don't have to be a pro, just have a sincere desire to help others! To become a mentor or to discuss what is possible for your mentorship here, please contact Robin Griggs Wood, Ron Clifford or Alex Lapidus
"GET MORE INFO ... check out → General Outlines For Types of Mentorships & Getting Started as a Mentor"
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