Hold my hand, please! I suspect most here already know of this program. I didn't until just now. That only makes me some 7 years out of the loop! I much prefer the idea of mentoring to constant travel back & forth to "Help" pages! Originally shared by Jeff Diver Since 12 December 2011, Google+ has had an outstanding Mentorship Program for Photographers. Click the link below to visit the site, then click the About link to see the following with active URLs and contacts: "*Teaching is the best way to learn.* ––––– "Welcome to the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers, organized and run by the program directors, Robin Griggs Wood, Ron Clifford, Alex Lapidus and founded by Randy J. Braun "The G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers is an online, mini-mentorship program that gives emerging amateur photographers the opportunity to reach out to working professionals, gaining technical, artistic expression or career advice in a friendly forum. "Why ...